The Truth Today

Join us Sundays at 12:30pm Central Time USA for The Truth Today.

We will discuss the Truth in God’s Word, God’s Way and about God’s People. We will conduct hard-hitting interviews and investigations to expose the enemy, their lies and their tactics. We will cover human interest topics outlining what is needed.

You can watch the show on The Now Network.

We are now broadcasting into 236 million homes in the United States, Canada, Australia, Africa, Western Europe and Asia. You can watch the show on Intelsat 20 Satellite TV, on your Roku and KloudTV boxes and at The Now Network.

You can find the show on the following cable channels.

  • Rodeo Networks – 364
  • NTS – 249
  • Litestream – 80
  • FTC – 269
  • Nktelco – 70
  • Tikilive – 106
  • Vexus – 249
  • NK Telco Cable – 72
D.L. Reynolds